About me

If you've clicked on my page I'm guessing you are exactly where I was not too long ago, researching, and finding alternative ways to get out of the rat race and make money online. 

I'm a mum to two little guys, A wife to my husband Jesse and I've been a teacher for 16 years, I'm a kiwi girl who has been living in Australia since 2018. Honestly, I'm tired of giving all my time away in my 9-5. I've loved my job for so many years but now I just know it's not my path anymore. 

My perfect day consists of waking up without the mad rush to get everyone's lunches packed, myself ready and the numerous drop-offs before my day at work even starts. I want to be able to drop my own kids off at school, and walk them into their classes. Afterwards take a walk with my dog along the beach, home for a coffee and a few hours of online work running my affiliate online business. Then back to pick them up and offer the support they need from me. 

I'm fast approaching 40 and I feel privileged to be able to celebrate that milestone, but my life has got to change for the better. I'm creating that life with my little family coming along for the ride. I've tried other side hustles and they just didn’t vibe with me. I know I was made for more, I'm strong and independent and I want to help other people find a way out of jobs that just don’t serve them anymore too. 

I have a strong vision to free my family financially and create generational wealth for years to come, my family is my driving force and my WHY.